Product Details
Replacement Antex Bits

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A range of replacement bits for the indicated soldering irons. These bits are all iron clad to give long life and they must therefore not be filed or they will quickly disintegrate. They should only be cleaned by wiping with a damp sponge when they are hot. They following types are available: 
Order Ref Tip <heta; mm 
Use on model M, C, TC25 
107 0.12 
FT03 10 0.5 
FR05 106 1.0 
FR03 102 2.3 
FT01 202 2.3 
FT02 302 2.3 
FT00 103 4.0 
104 4.7 
Use on model M, C, G, TC25 
FR06 820 2.3 
821 3.0 
822 4.7 
Use on model CS, A545, TC, TCS, SD50 
1107 0.12 
JP15 1105 0.5 
FR30 1106 1.0 
FY64 1100 2.3 
FY65 1101 3.0 
JU68 1108 3.0 
FY66 1102 4.7 
JU69 1109 5.0 
FY67 1103 6.0 
Use on model XS 
570 0.12 
JP14 55 0.5 
56 1.0 
FR16 50 2.3 
FT04 53 2.3 
FT05 54 3.0 
FR17 51 3.0 
FR18 52 4.7 
14B 19.0 
FT06 14A 19.0